Utility Locator Training Pathway

These courses have been designed to provide a pathway towards professional Locator certification for those tasked with the accurate and safe detection of underground services and assets.

Each course comprises of technical training on the theory and methodology of utility detection and also practical onsite exercises and assessments, plus the health and safety considerations required when undertaking utility locating tasks.

Our experienced trainers will share their expertise and knowledge to deliver training that will boost your skills and knowledge and ensure you are able to operate utility detection equipment competently and safely.

Basic Principles of Utility Detection

Advanced Utility Location Methodology and Practice

Professional GPR Utility Locating & Mapping

NZ Certified Locator

Basic Principles of Utility Detection

Introduction to underground utility locating, detection and avoidance and is designed for entry-level construction and locator professionals tasked with ensuring utilities are accurately and safely identified.


Advanced Utility Location Methodology and Practice

This is an advanced technical course designed to provide a deeper understanding of underground utility locating methodologies and best practise, ideal for more experienced construction and locator professionals.