Leica DISTO D810 Touch Explained
The D810 Touch is the first laser distance meter in the world with a touch screen and a built in camera allowing the user to measure with pictures. You can integrate detailed sketches in an existing sketch. This allows you to have all the information together in a single document and e-mail them directly to the office.
Laser Distance Meters [Comparison Chart]
Laser Distance Meters come with an array of features and functions and sometimes it’s difficult to compare models and decide which will do the job for you. Here we compare laser distance meters that are designed for interior use and chart their specs and features.
NEW Leica Disto D810 Touch!
The Leica Disto™ D810 Touch is the ultimate professional laser tape measure and is accurate to +/- 1 mm up to 200 metres! It’s the first laser distance meter world-wide with a touch screen allowing for quick and intuitive operation.