GeoMax Zoom35 Pro – How To Start a Survey


The GeoMax Zoom35 Pro is a very versatile, efficient survey instrument providing a much wider operational coverage. This means significantly less time is lost with repetitive set ups on larger sites.

This top of the line unit has advanced features including colour touch screen, impressive 1000 metre reflectorless range, long life battery and Bluetooth connectivity.

In this video we will show you how to start the survey using the The GeoMax Zoom35 Pro, how to declare a point station, measure point station it and change it.

You can watch more videos on the The GeoMax Zoom35 Pro on our YouTube Channel

Our experienced team are here to get you up and running with surveying technology and offer free training and great after-sales service and support.

If you have any questions or would like a demo, give us a call on 0800 443 6629 or send us an enquiry:


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